I’m Turning 30: The 5 Lessons I Learned in My Twenties
/Episode Description
My 30th birthday is right around the corner, and I'm feeling a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement as I prepare to dive headfirst into this new decade. I've got my fingers crossed for more cash in the bank, loads of success, a bunch of new friends, some epic experiences, and just an all-around infusion of badass-ery.
But on the flip side, saying goodbye to my twenties is scary. It was a time of so much growth and a ton of lessons. So, in today's episode, I reflect on the top 5 things I learned in my twenties and share how I plan to carry those invaluable learnings into this next chapter of my journey.
We also talk about:
How I’m feeling about turning 30
2023 in review (It’s been one hell of a year)
Whit’s Saturn return
Drinking the kool-aid just because everyone else is
Listening and trusting your intuition
Being cautious when trusting people
If it feels too good to be true, fact-check it
Living every day like it’s your last
(00:00) Intro
(03:00) Turning 30, 2023 in Review, and Whit’s Saturn Return
(06:52) Don’t feel like you need to drink the coolaid just because everyone else is
(11:35) Listening and trusting your intuition
(15:34) Being cautious when trusting people
(20:51) If it feels too good to be true, fact check it
(22:39) Live every year like it’s your last
(34:03) Podcast Review
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