How Working Through Trauma Can Make Your Business More Successful with Kristen Cipriano
/Hey there, lovely listeners!
In today's episode of Under the Influence Podcast, we have Kristen Cipriano on board to discuss entrepreneurship, trauma, and the importance of self-worth. As someone who struggled with self-doubt when I started my own business, I found her insights truly valuable.
Kristen speaks to the importance of values-alignment and how that impacts your ability to succeed. When you're doing work that doesn't feel meaningful or aligned with your values, it's easy to feel unfulfilled. And when you don't feel fulfilled, it can be hard to gain traction in your business. It's important to really tune into what drives you and what you stand for when starting a business to stay motivated and driven.
Another key takeaway is the idea of manifesting and frequency. Focusing on the energy you put out into the world is crucial in attracting the right people and opportunities into your life. If you approach your business with an energy of desperation, you'll likely attract people with similar low frequency energies, leading to unfulfilling outcomes. Alternatively, starting with a positive energy of love, authenticity, and service can attract clients and customers who are also aligned with those values.
Self-worth and value are central themes in this episode as well. Kristen shares how she helps clients recognize and embody their self-worth through somatic healing techniques. By recognizing what makes you unique and rare, you can cultivate your own success. This is something I can totally relate to - as someone who has struggled with imposter syndrome frequently, it's important to remember that my qualifications, experiences, and traits make me valuable, and that applies to all of us.
Finally, Kristen discusses how past trauma and negative experiences can shape our beliefs and actions in the present. It's important to take a step back and reprogram negative identities and belief systems to align with our true selves. This is something that has resonated with me as I navigate growing my business, as sometimes those childhood fears and insecurities can creep back in.
Overall, this episode offers some truly valuable insights into the role of trauma, self-worth, and energy in entrepreneurship. I hope you found it as informative and thought-provoking as I did. Thanks for tuning in!